
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Monthly Cleaning Challenge: Wash Windows

This month it's all about getting cleaning!  I know, so exciting.  Haha.  The first step was to create a list of the things I want to accomplish.  The next step is to accomplish them!  Here's the list of the things I have already accomplished:

For this post I took on the task: Wash Windows

Mostly this post was inspired by the need to wash the sliding glass door leading to the patio.  But I figured while I tackled that, I might as well tackle all the windows.

The sliding door gets used the most by Magic.  Since my roommate and I don't spend much time out there, it's pretty much his territory.  He even has a small cat tower out there.  Spoiled much?  Plus that's where we keep his litter box.  So he goes in and out a lot.  When the weather is nice we keep the air off and the door open.  But when it's not so nice that door gets shut!  And Magic doesn't have as much freedom.  Sometimes he will sit at the door and wait for us to let him out.  And other times he gets up on his back legs and paws at the door..  And that's where all these smudges come from:

Hopefully you can see them as well as I can.  Oh Magic...  And, unfortunately, he doesn't clean the smudges that he leaves.  So that becomes the human job.  So I armed myself with my homemade all purpose cleaner and a microfiber rag and set to work.

I just sprayed the door and the windows with the cleaner and went over it with the microfiber rag.  I was really nervous it was going to leave streaks but it actually didn't!  Hurray!  And now the door and the windows are all clean again.  Now if only I can convince Magic to leave them that way...

Isn't that so much better?  And here's a look at one of the other windows:

All clean!

So let's see how many more things I plan to accomplish:
1. cycle clean appliances
2. clean out car
3. wipe down cabinets/appliances
4. wipe down trim/doors
5. clean out one drawer
6. vacuum furniture
7. clean oven
8. change magic's litter
9. change air filter

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