
Friday, October 25, 2013

DVD Storage

Yesterday I revealed our finished entertainment unit with a post about our new drawer pulls!  If you haven't checked them out yet you really should, I love them.  And with that, you got to see six little bins on the shelves and I promised I would share what they were.  So here I am, fulfilling that promise!

When my roommate and I were getting ready to paint our wooden entertainment (read more here) we pulled all of our movies off the shelves.  We were left with a huge, daunting pile.

I wasn't a fan of how the movies were on the shelves prior to this makeover.  You had to maneuver them just right to take it off the shelf or put it back on again.  And we had the movies double stacked so you couldn't even see the movies in the back.  It just wasn't an ideal situation.  Jen from IHeartOrganizing has a system for storing DVDs that I LOVE!  But, it would never work for me.  She threw away all of her cases and saved just the DVDs (you can read about that here).  I have no desire to throw away the DVD cases so that just wasn't an option for us.  So I decided to create movie bins!

I picked up some bins from Dollar Tree that were the perfect size for DVDs to fit on their sides.

Two fit perfectly on each shelf!  The green isn't an exact color match to the drawers but they are different enough that it doesn't matter.  We have the bins organized by general genre but I opted not to label each bin.  This works so much better for us!  Now we can just pull out a bin when it's time to watch a movie!  Of course now we need to figure out how to store our VHS tapes (yes, we still have those!)

How do you all store your DVDs?

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