
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Knit-A-Long Disney Blanket

I was recently browsing Ravelry (as I tend to do quite often) and stumbled upon something called the Geek-A-Long.  These two women created a wonderfully geeky blanket and made each square available as part of their geek-a-long.  I highly suggest you check it out because it is awesome.  I thought about making one myself but I don't understand half the references and then half of what I do understand I don't watch.  So I decided that this incredible blanket was not for me.  I will continue to admire everyone else's version through their project pages.

While I was browsing the finished products inspiration hit!  What if I took this concept and Disneyfied it!  Yes, I just made "Disneyfy" a word.  So that's exactly what I did!  Over the course of 2015 I will be releasing a series of blanket squares as part of the Knit-A-Long Disney Blanket.  The specific theme being Disney Princesses.  This includes the different princesses and characters from their movies.  Each square will be approximately 8" x 8".

There are four "official" sizes for this quilt:

Large Afghan:
Total Squares: 63
Finished Measurements: 56" x 72"
Square Description: Princesses, their Princes/Companions, Villains, and other Characters

Small Afghan:
Total Squares: 48
Finished Measurements: 48" x 64"
Square Description: Princesses, their Princes/Companions, and Villains

Child's Blanket:
Total Squares: 30
Finished Measurements: 40" x 48"
Square Description: Princesses and their Princes/Companions

Baby Blanket:
Total Squares: 16
Finished Measurements: 32" x 32"
Square Description: Princesses

You can pick one of these planned blankets or you can pick and choose your favorite squares to create your own blanket.  There are countless possibilities!

Every Monday you will get a sneak peak at the yarn choices for the upcoming square and every Friday a new square will be released!  For those of you who have done the math and are screaming "Hey wait a minute! The large afghan requires 63 squares and there are less than 63 weeks in a year!  Plus you are starting late!"  Don't worry!  Some weeks will be bonus weeks and more than one square will be released.

Stay tuned and get excited!  Your first sneak peak will arrive on Monday.

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