
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Monthly Clean Home Challenge

Hey everyone!  Remember me?  I haven't been updating for a while.  And it's been even longer since I've done a post about something other than books (that's still going on but I haven't been updating).  But now this shall change!  Cause today I am super excited (probably more so than one should be) to talk about Spring Cleaning!

My favorite blogger - Jen from iHeartOrganizing - is doing a Monthly Clean Home Challenge.  And I have decided to hop on board :)  

Basically the challenge is to do each daily task, each weekly task, and then add an additional task each day of the week.  Spreading out the tasks like this makes it much less overwhelming.  And I'm all about that.  Go check out her blog for some tips and free printables!  That's what I did.  And now I've taken all that information and created a list of things for myself.

Here's what I've created using her free printable.  (note: this link takes you to her blog post with the printable, it is not the printable itself)

This will get printed and put in a picture frame so I can use it as a dry erase checklist.  I'm very excited!

I took Jen's lists and adapted them to fit my needs/wants and I am very excited to start!

Anyone else interested in joining the challenge?

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