
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dumpster Find: Dresser

I am so excited to share today's post with you all!  A few days ago I was pulling into a parking spot in my apartment complex when I spotted something sitting outside the dumpster.  I immediately backed out of my spot and drove over to see if I could take it home with me!  Curious?  Take a look!

A beautiful dresser!  Okay, so it's not so beautiful.  But I knew that it could be beautiful with a little TLC.  I wanted it!  But I ended up not being able to lift it alone.  So I waited till my roommate came home and she helped me out.  And then we were struggling to get that thing upstairs..  But a friendly guy from the apartment building next to us came out and helped us take it upstairs.

We set it down outside the front door since I knew I wanted to clean it up before taking it inside.  And here's what I was working with.

A missing drawer, coffee or tea stains, and water damage to the top.  Oh, and one of the drawers is missing the bottom piece so it's pretty pointless.

So I pulled out the useless drawer and swapped the remaining drawers around, wiped it all down with my homemade all purpose cleaner, and got another look.

I'm really excited to tackle this project.  I've got big plans :)  I don't have a dresser in my bedroom and I really need one.  So this is perfect.  Keep an eye out over the next few days, I may have an update for you all.

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