
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hot Cocoa Cart

It's winter time!!  Even though you'd barely realize that in Florida.  But hey!  It was in the 40's this morning which, in my book, is cold!!  And what better way to celebrate the holiday season than with a cup of hot cocoa??

Our apartment is kind of an awkward shape.  Here's the ground plan so you can sort of see what I'm talking about:

When you walk into the apartment (where the arrow is) and walk to where it has a designated "dining" space, there is just no room for a table and chairs.  So we've got two bar stools set up at the kitchen counter and we either eat there or in the living room.  So that leaves the bare area that is labeled "dining".  Of course, some of that space is actually part of our living room, but not all of it.  And so there's just nothing there.  Well, what a perfect candidate for our hot cocoa cart!

I bought a three shelf unit from Walmart a little while back thinking I could use it for my display area in Funky Trunk Treasures since I am selling things there.  But it didn't end up working out the way I thought it would so I nixed the idea and brought it back home where it didn't have a purpose.  And, like all surfaces without a purpose, became home to clutter and stuff.  Time to reclaim it and give it a purpose!  So I cleared it off and draped a beautiful shower curtain over it :D  Yea, seems strange to use a shower curtain.  Let's clarify:

I bought this shower curtain a few months ago at Beall's Outlet because I loved the pattern and had actually been eyeing something very similar at JoAnn's.  Originally I bought it thinking I was going to make a bench for the patio and new a shower curtain would hold up to the rain and moisture.  And since this shower curtain is fabric based, it would be perfect.  But, since that bench never happened and I don't see it happening in the near future, it works wonderfully for this new job!


Next up: load up the cart!

Well if you're going to make hot cocoa you need a nice glass mug and hot cocoa packets!  There is no place to get hot water on this cart but the kitchen is just a few steps away to where there is a tea kettle waiting to boil up some water.  Now what else do we need?

Mix ins!  Want to know the best part?  Everything in this picture was picked up at the Dollar Tree!  All the mix ins and the containers that hold them!  I will probably end up spray painting the tray since it doesn't match the fabric and looks out of place.  But for now it will stay like this.

Go ahead!  Grab a mug, a hot cocoa packet, and start adding your mix ins to make it delicious!  We've got marshmallows, ground cinnamon, and mini candy canes.  And when you're done, grab a cinnamon stick or peppermint stick and give it a good stir.

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