
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Emergency Preparedness - Week Two (part two)

Yesterday's post was getting long and had so much information I knew splitting it up into two was the better option.  So for this post we will start to fill our backpacks!  And if you missed any of the last two posts you can back to Week One or Week Two (part one) and catch up :)

Week Two - Food and Water cont...

- Stock your backpack with...
     - Water
     - A few days worth of food
     - A small container of liquid bleach with a medicine dropper
     - A can opener

Having your Emergency Preparedness Station full of water and food is great!  You will definitely be set incase of an emergency when you can stay home!  But what if there is an emergency evacuation or some other reason you need to leave your house in a hurry?  You can't exactly grab your entire Station. But you can grab your personal backpack that is packed and ready to go!

My roommate and I decided to pack a few days worth of food in our backpacks.  Feel free to adjust your amount for whatever you decide.

I packed a large ziplock bag to stick inside each backpack.

Now we'll each have food to last us for a few days should we need to leave the apartment in an emergency.  Our bags also now holds two water bottles, a can opener, a small bottle of liquid bleach, and a medicine dropper.

These bags will be getting a lot more supplies later so you don't want to stuff it with food and water.  Just enough to last you a few days.  You want to be sure you'll be able to carry these backpacks so just keep that in mind!

How's everyone else doing?

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