
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Smoothie Summer!

It's Wednesday!  Hurray!  Time for a Kids Craft :)  Okay, so this isn't exactly a craft BUT it's still a super fun way to enjoy these last weeks of summer.  Making smoothies!  A (8-years-old) and O (4-years-old) were thrilled when I told them we'd be making smoothies.  They ran to the freezer and grabbed the bags of frozen berries (strawberries and blueberries) and got straight to work.  O decided it was his job to set up the blender so he grabbed his stool and got right to it.

They both took turns putting in the berries.  It was so cute to hear them justify why they were putting how much of each type of berry!  Then it was time to add milk and some juice.  A told me "Let's use Cranberry Juice.  I think that would mix really good with the berries in our smoothie" haha.

Then it was blending time!  They were so interested in watching the smoothie blend!  They took turns pressing the buttons and were having so much fun!

Then it was time to enjoy :)  They turned out great!

And there you have it!  Not exactly a craft but definitely a way to enjoy a nice snack during these hot summer days.  The photos aren't great quality, I was trying to avoid faces and getting them to stand still was not an option!  But you get the idea :D

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