
Monday, August 12, 2013

A Newly Organized Fridge

Good morning everyone :D  (or afternoon, or night, or whenever you are reading this)  I hope you all enjoyed a lovely weekend full of all the things that make you happy!  I had a nice, relaxing weekend with some crafting and organizing thrown in to the mix.

Today's post is all about the fridge!  My roommate and I took a few hours out of our day to completely organize our refrigerator.  Trust me, it needed it.  

Everything would just get placed wherever we could find space for it.  Which meant lots of stacking and rearranging each time we needed something.  Plus it's ugly.  Haha.  I wanted something cute :D  So we decided to take on the task!  Even Magic wanted to help :)

We headed to Dollar Tree to find inexpensive storage and decorative items!
We bought:
- 3 stackable cubbies ... $3
- Contact paper ............ $1
- Rubber mat ................ $1
- White, wire basket ..... $1
- White, plastic bin ....... $1
TOTAL ....................... $7

Once we got back from Dollar Tree we got straight to work!  Starting with clearing the whole fridge.  Since we knew it wouldn't take us long, we took everything out of the fridge.  This gave us the chance to clear out anything that needed to be thrown away and sort everything so we could see exactly what we had.  Then it was time to cover the shelves.

We cut the contact paper and rubber mat into pieces that would cover the shelves.  We also decided to cover the top of the drink holder.  Once that was finished we stuck the contact paper to the rubber mats.  Then we just needed to place them on top of the wire shelves.  Looking back on it I should have taken a picture of that, but oh well.  You'll get to see the finished result :D

Then we placed the different containers we bought inside of the fridge and put the drinks back in.  Then we just needed to put everything back, first assigning it a new home :)  And here's the result!

What an improvement!  The two cubbies on the left house our lunch meats and cheeses.  The cubby on the right holds canned fruits and applesauce (and wet food when Magic is lucky!)  The basket holds our apples.  We left the middle shelf open for our drinks.  But discovered that our eggs fit perfectly over the sodas :)  And then the bottom shelf has the white basket which is holding corn right now but can hold all sorts of items once we are finished with our corn.  And then to the right of that bin is perfect for leftovers!  The perfect size to hold a large pizza box or whatever else our leftovers are that week.  Then the bottom drawers are open for other vegetables we have on hand.  What do you think?

I just love opening our refrigerator now!  Though I have to make sure I don't do it too often or I'll be tempted to start grabbing food!  Haha.  

So that is our latest DIY Home Improvement :)  Do you have a system for organizing your fridge?  What have you found works best for you?

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you organize you fridge and the fact that you don't keep a lot of things in there. It look nice and clean


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