
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Kids Crafts: Car Town

Hurray for Wednesday!!  The day dedicated to Kids Crafts :)  So what is our first kids craft?  A town for toy cars of course ;)

The 4-year-old boy that I nanny for LOVES toy cars.  He has about a billion of them in a bin under his bed.  Okay, so maybe a billion is a bit of an exaggeration, but seriously this child as a ton.  And while playing cars on the big table in his room is fun and all, I knew there had to be a way to make it more exciting (maybe more for me than for him! haha).  So I set out to do some research and I found the perfect craft!  Making a town for his cars to play on.

Recent-College-Grad Budget mode kicked in and I set off to the Dollar Store!  I grabbed a shower curtain and was done with supplies for this craft :)  Total Cost: $1.07

When I got to my apartment I grabbed a permanent marker and set to work drawing roads and buildings.  I thought about doing this while I was with him but decided I wanted to let him get straight to work on coloring and playing.

I picked buildings typical of a town and personalized it a bit as well.  I had to add a Chick-Fil-A since we go there at least once a week.

When I brought it over to show him he was so excited!  His sister was in camp that morning so it was just the two of us to decorate and play with the town.

It fit inside but I didn't want him to color on it on the floor so we both decided moving it to the driveway was a better idea :)

He helped me secure the ends down with bricks that were broken off the front porch and he was ready to go!  He said he wanted to color it first but after picking up and breaking the first crayon decided he couldn't wait anymore and just wanted to start playing!  Guess where his car went first?

If you guessed Chick-Fil-A you were right!  He had a blast :)  He told me he didn't want to color it right then because he wanted his sister to be able to help him.  So instead, while he was driving around, he gave me some ideas of other buildings to add to the town (silly me, I forgot to add houses!)  It was great to see him laughing and playing with it.  And he was so excited to show his mom and his sister when they got home :)  He also said he doesn't want to color it all in one day, he wants to be able to color a little bit everyday so he'll have lots of days to color!  He really is adorable.

For a craft that cost me a dollar I am so glad he loved it so much!  What a fun and inexpensive craft for children of all ages :D  I mean come on - who doesn't love a town you can drive your toy cars on??

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